| English |

Welcome ! 

On these english pages we explain and shed light on the function and the activities of Kulttuuriareena 44. (Culture Arena 44).

Please go to sub pages for more detailed info about renting facilities for events.

House of events

Culture Arena 44 offers versatile facilities for different kind of events. If needed, our services include necessary PA (sound system) and lightning equipment with technician services. Annually we host over 100 events from small scale to big national events.
Over the years we are known as remarkable forum of young performing arts, although most events are for everybody. Our professional staff is glad to help you to build up a successful event.

Youth Work

As a part of Kuopio Youth Services, Cultural Youth Work is our main task. We support youngsters own cultural activities in various ways. Our staff includes 3 professional youth workers who provide diverse help for youngsters need.
Participation is one of our main principles. As a mentors of local Youth Council and Children’s Parliament we support youngsters own activeness. We are also active in International Youth Work projects as well as local cultural or youth work projects.


Youth work in Finland is regulated by the Youth Act (27.1.2006/72). According to the current Youth Act, youth work should aim at “supporting young people’s growth and independence, promoting young people’s active citizenship and empowerment, and improving their growth and living conditions”. The central values for the youth work are communality, solidarity, equity and equality, multiculturalism and internationality, healthy life styles and respect of life and the environment. Youth work is a formally specialized and independent field, separate from the school, social work and child welfare (Marja Peltola, Youth Work in Finland | https://www.youthresearch.fi/images/julkaisuja/youthwork.pdf)

Our organization supports youngsters and organizations/groups working with youngsters via renting facilities free of charge. Many groups practise or organize events in Kulttuuriareena for free. Naturally these actions has to be based non-profit principle. Our staff is well educated and experienced to help you in various ways.

Daily Activities

staff on summer holiday 21.6. – 11.8.24

MON  local anime- and manga society weekly event 18-22 /  hobby activities
TUE   small group activities  / hobby activities
WED small group activities / Olohuone 44 17-21 / hobby activities
THU  Theatre activities / hobby activities
FRI    Olohuone 44 18-23 / hobby activities / events
SAT   hobby activities / events
SUN  hobby activities / events

Olohuone 44 = for young adults (16-29) a Place to chill out and bring our ideas into action.

Our professional youthworkers (staff) uses mainly cultural youth work methods. Starting Autumn ´23
we have several small group activities and projects as well as international projects.

Events through the year, info in our main page and event calendar

Hobby activities run by different independent groups i.e. dance, console games, traditional table cames

local anime- and manga society KAMY
Theatre activities = whole house booked for theatre, mostly run by local youth association

In our facilities also :
OTE special school class
Diginatiivit local association of digital youth activities
Musapaja (music workshop) as a part of association Elävä Säätiö supporting unemployed youngsters/adults

This is only brief summary, so please contact us or directly the organizer if you want more detailed info