Music Band Activities | Training facilities | Kuopio Rock Academy

Band training facilities

Kulttuuriareena 44 supports young musicians in Kuopio by coordinating and renting rehearsal rooms.

Rehearsal rooms in youth centers

There is a fully kitted rehearsal room in Kulttuuriareena 44, which you can reserve on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 12am to 8pm. More info from Jere Kyrö.

Other youth centers in Kuopio offer kitted rehearsal rooms to use too, more info from their respectful instructors.
Jynkän Monari p. 044-7182686, monari(at)
Neulamäen nuorisotila p.  044-7182692. ryto(at)

Independent rehearsal rooms

Kulttuuriareena 44 rents empty rehearsal rooms for independent use in Hannes Kolehmaisenkatu and Retkeilijäntie. The application period for these spaces starts during May, and are rented for an year for a contract. Note that this service is offered to the age group of 17-29 year olds.

NOTE: Because of the pandemic, we have extended existing contracts to last until 31.7.2021.

The application should contain the following information:

  1. Band name / name of a member & genre
  2. Contacts of the band, email & number
  3. Every member of the band, age, location and instruments
  4. Current rehearsing frequency, how long have you played?
  5. If you wish for a larger rehearsal space, name the band you want to share the room with
  6. Preferred location (Hannes Kolehmaisenkatu / Retkeilijäntie)
  7. Future plans for the band and motivation for applying

More info: Kulttuuriareena 44, 044 7182678  / kulttuuriareena44(at)